Megan Hitchins is an Associate Professor of Medicine (Division of Oncology) and the Laboratory Head for the Hitchins' Translational Epigenetics Lab at Stanford University. Her research focus is the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms (and their interactions) underlying human disease, mainly as applied to cancer predisposition and outcomes. Her PhD training at University College London, UK was in Clinical Genetics. She undertook post-doctoral training at Imperial College London and University College London, before taking up a Faculty position at The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She has published ~60 peer-reviewed papers, reviews and book chapters. Her seminal work on the role of epimutations in human cancer predisposition and their variable patterns of inheritance in cancer-affected families have been published in first-author papers in leading journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine, Nature Genetics, Cancer Cell, and Gastroenterology, with Opinion Perspectives published in Nature Reviews Cancer. She received widespread media coverage for the discovery of non-Mendelian and Mendelian transmission patterns of constitutional MLH1 epimutations. From 2008 until her departure in 2013, 100% of her salary was covered through prestigious nationally competitive fellowships acquired from government organizations. Dr Hitchins' research in the genetic and epigenetic causes of cancer risk and outcomes continues, with clinical observational studies as well as molecular pathological epidemiology studies in cancer patients.
Breast cancer