Allied Academies

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Welcome Message

The successful series of Breast Cancer Congress is taking the Privilege to welcome you to 9th European Congress on Breast CancerWomen’s Health & Therapeutics, Paris France scheduled in the month of February from 25-26, 2019.

The Scientific Sessions are designed by experts and researchers from all around the world who will be showcasing their research and expertise in the field of Breast Cancer and Women Health.

We gather researchers to reveal, examine and revise the methods,techniques and research developing in the scientific community, making it accessible throughout the world even after the event.

The successful 8th World Congress on Breast Cancer Management & Therapy created an awesome impact by networking experts from East Asia to UK. 50000 visitors visited and submitted their work and  broke down to meet and explore the prestigious event Breast Cancer 2018 at London, UK.

The 9th European Congress is setting it’s platform in Paris to host and bring  the researchers of  Breast Cancer and Women Health under one roof  and provide opportunities to Young Researchers, meet and socialize with the experts and network all around the globe.

We welcome you to start off your journey with us at 9th  European Congress on Breast CancerWomen's Health& Therapeutics in the City of Lights-Paris, France

Why to Attend.


Showcase your recent research
Keynote sessions by emeritus of renowned Universities and Industries
Strengthen your research opportunities with the experts.
Collaborations with the Med Kings of the field 
Opportunity to meet highly eminent Speakers and Sponsorship.
Poster, e-poster, exhibiting and speaker sessions which can be accessed even after the conference.

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session on Breast Cancer & Women Health

The session is for the general information of breast cancer and the overall outcome of it, here discussions are arranged on the intensity of breast cancer and the risk factors, the impact of breast cancer on woman health and necessary steps in woman health.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: Breast Cancer Fund, American Cancer Society,American Breast Cancer FoundationAssociation for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora New ZealandFederation for Women and Family Planning.

Session on Stages of Breast Cancer

Diverse breast growth stages are there. On the off chance that breast growth is get distinguished in its beginning period the treatment turns out to be simple. In the beginning stage tumor is confined to the drain conduits, after some time it begins to spread in lymph hubs. Tumor at third stage is known as privately propelled breast disease, at this stage malignancy can be of any size as it spreads through lymph hubs to skin, chest and lymph hubs in under arms and in addition to inside mammary organs. Finally arrange breast growth do not stay to just to chest it invades into lungs, bones, liver and mind.Finally, it is characterized as tumor. Considering the phase of breast malignancy, treatment is given to understanding, so early discovery of breast disease is extremely important.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: Association Vivre sans ThyroidDutch Endocrine SocietyEuropean Laryngological SocietyFrench Endocrine SocietyGerman Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ AssociationInternational Association of Endocrine SurgeonsInternational Federation of Oto -Rhino-Laryngological Societies, International Thyroid Oncology GroupSociety of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

Session on Breast Cancer & Pregnancy/ Lifestyle

Pregnancy is a stage where a woman experiences a drastic change positively accompanying various stress and disorders, Pregnancy associated Breast Cancer(PABC) is seen in women and is diagnosed by a lump formed during the postpartumyear. The lifestyle with compromising all the health conditions can also lead to breast cancer as well as affects the woman health. Therapeutics and treatments are subjected for a betterment to rectify.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: European Roma Rights Center, Red de Educacion Popular Entre Mujeres (REPEM), Liguenationale contre le cancer, Institut Nationaldu Cancer, Cancer Support France, German Cancer Research Center, European Association for Cancer Research(EACR), European Breast Cancer Coalition, European Cancer Organisation(ECCO)

Session on Surgery in Breast Cancer

Surgery in Breast Cancer can be lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, partial mastectomy, segmental mastectomy(Breast Conserving Surgery) double mastectomy (Complete Breast removal) The type of surgery is chosen according to the intensity of the cancer  growth. Most women opt for BCS along with radiation and chemotherapy.Individuals gone under Mastectomy opt for Breast reconstruction surgery as well. Surgery to remove nearby lymph node are also practiced.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: European Society of Surgical OncologyEuropean Society of Breast Cancer Specialists, Organization of European Cancer Institutes, Mediterranean Oncology Society Gastric& Breast Cancer(GBCNC), Laurette Fugain Association

Session on Treatment in Breast Cancer

The session would be particularly on treatments rather than Surgery, the two divisions of the treatments are Local therapy and Adjuvant Therapy, which again are divided according to the individual’s medical conditions, state of their well being and related health factors.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: National Cancer Council – Français, France Lymphoma HopeUNICANCER: Centres delutte contre le cancerCentre Antoine LacassagneAssociation for International Cancer Research AICR, British Oncology Data Managers' Association (BODMA), Cancer BACUP

Session on Rehabilitation after Breast Cancer

Rehabilitation after the cancer treatment might sound the struggle to survive. The true fact is life after the treatment especially for a woman after the breast cancer there will be new choices to make and even new opportunities. Altering the food habits to daily exercise are certain things which can be and should be implemented in daily life, so that there won’t be any recurrence of breast cancer.

Hair development begins once more.Physical vitality and working can likewise be getting influenced afterthe breastdisease treatment. Level of estrogen may likewise get brought down after the treatment which prompts the diminishing in bone thickness. Bone thicknesscan be expanded also repeat of breastgrowth can be counteracted with the assistance of exercise. 

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: Research Institute for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Women's Life , Global Alliance for Women's Health ,Breast Cancer FundTriple Negative Breast Cancer FoundationAmerican Cancer SocietyAmerican Breast Cancer FoundationAvon Breast Cancer Crusade,Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora, New ZealandFederation for Women and Family Planning.

Session on Breast Cancer in Male

Like breast Cancer in ladies, infirmity of the male chest is the uncontrolled headway with the potential or spread of a portion of the cells of this chest tissue. They wind up being so atypical in appearance and direct that they are then called Cancer cells.Chest tissue in both youthful colleagues and young ladies incorporates tubular structures known as channels. At pubescence, a young lady's ovaries make hormones (estrogen)that reason the courses to make and drain organs (lobules) to make at the terminations of the channels. The measure of fat and connective tissue in the chest additionally increases as young women experience.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer EventsWomen’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: Macmillan Cancer SupportCARPA - Carcinoid Patients AssociationCancer fondenSwedish Cancer SocietySwedish Cancer Nurses Society,Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia, National Cancer Council Malaysia (MAKNA)

Session on Clinical Trials and Research in Breast Cancer

Clinical Trials on Breast Cancer have found to be optional, individuals enroll under the clinical trials as treatments too, pre-clinical trials are done on mice to find the adverse effects. Individual can voluntarily participate in certain clinical trials done in Breast Cancer. Pre-clinical trials help in understanding whether the treatment is safe or not.Side effects are there for all treatments done in breast cancer and can be sorted out during clinical trials. Research in breast cancer can be related to clinical trials as well. Currently researches of Breast cancer is happening in genetic level. Healthcare experts believe there are faulty genes affecting the breast in adverse way. Doctors are learning by evaluating families and generations who have a fault in the certain genes and exposure to breast cancer.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: Breast Cancer FundTriple Negative Breast Cancer FoundationAmerican Cancer SocietyAmerican Breast Cancer FoundationAvon Breast Cancer Crusade,Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora, New ZealandFederation for Women and Family Planning.

Session on Genetics of Breast Cancer, Therapeutics & New Methods

The genetic variation can cause Breast Cancer hereditary, new therapeutics innovations are incorporated. New targeted drugs can rectify the genetic cause says research. Th e rest of the therapeutics and treatment methods are widely in practice. New Innovations and researches are discussed in the session. We welcome researches under genetics of breast cancer,therapeutics and New methods and related topics.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related AsssociationEuropean  Society for Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology(ESTRO)European Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Network, European School of Oncology (ESO), European Society for Medical Oncology(ESMO)

Session on Gynecology & Obstetrics in Women Health

The session will be relevant to the Gynae Health, Obstetrics and Breast CancerGynae Health can be associated to the proper functioning of the Reproductive system in a woman. The deteriorating Gynae health and certain factors range from Menstruation, Birth Control pills, Cervical CancerOvarian Cancer, Endometriosis, HPV, Menopause etc. The Postpartum period of Pregnancy and complications are discussed in the Obstetrics.  Research papers under the Gynecology and Obstetrics category and related sessions are welcomed. The session is important and is a major highlight.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related AssociationEuropean Society of Gynaecological Oncology(ESGO), Organization of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), Oscar Lambret Center, Lille, Association of the Hungarian Obstetricians and Gynecologists, British Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics,Gynecology

Session on Midwifery

Midwifery is a health Profession associated with Pregnancy,postpartum care, childbirth, neonatal care, The Midwife profession has been practiced from middle ages before the development of healthcare. The session would be a discussion on the importance of Midwife in the healthcare industry,the outcomes and its importance in Rural as well as Urban areas.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Association: The European Midwives Association (EMA), Nursing & Midwifery Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), UCD Irish Centre for Nursing and Midwifery, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation

Session on Obesity/Anorexia and Cardiovascular Diseases

Drastic weight gain(Obesity) and Weight Loss (Anorexia) can be associated with Breast Cancer treatment and certain other factors. Obesity in women is lot more discussed than anorexia which can be linked to eating disorders. Malformation, Caesarean sessions, neonatal mortality, pregnancy,depression are other factors leads to these conditions. Obesity can also be associated to Cardiovascular diseases and other factors are Cigarette Smoking, hypertension and unhealthy food habits. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are prone in Women than in Men.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer  Congress

Related Associations: British Obesity Society, National Obesity Forum, EASO - European Association for the Study of Obesity, HOOP UK, World Obesity Federation,National Eating Disorders Association, Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association (SWEDA), South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association: (SYEDA), NationalAssociation of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD),British Heart Foundation,British Cardiovascular Society, Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions (AICC), World Heart Federation

Session on Bone Health & Healthy Aging

Reducing the intensity of Bone disease in Women associates with accurate diagnosis when symptoms are visible,incorporating appropriate treatment and follow-ups, Diagnostic check ups along with Laboratory tests help women to know the bone health at the earliest. Genetic and External factors can also affect the Bone Health i.e, Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Endocrine disorders.

Aging is a natural phenomenon but healthy aging in women depends on the many risk factors and one major would be Breast Cancer -it is a leading cause of death, autoimmune diseases etc, the treatment methods are discussed and for a successful aging.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: National Council on Aging (NCOA),National Bone Health Alliance,International Osteoporosis Foundation, British Science Association,The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of OsteoporosisOsteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO).

Session on Mental Health & Depression

The mental health and depression can be associated with the changes in the lifestyle, Biology of hormones,diseases, disorders and psychological factors. To have a healthy body health mind is very necessary. The discussion would be the main causes and factors of deteriorating mental health and methods to rectify it. Research on Mental Health and Depression are welcomed. Dementia,Alzheimer’s etc are known mental issues associated to health factors, neurological complication comprises the session

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: International Association for Women's Mental Health Home (IAWMH), Mental Health Europe,Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks (GAMIAN), AFESMO -Mental Health Association, Molina de Segura, Alzheimer's Disease International

Session on Ethical Issues & Social Stability

Ethical Issue and Social stability of a women has been compromised and improved in the modern era and still being questioned such as equal pay and equality to men. Bullying and harassment,Public issues to abuse.These are all major factors and issues faced by the modern women. The negatives and positives are discussed under the session

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress

Related Associations: European Women's Leadership Organizations (WPSP), Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF), Women in Development Europe (WIDE), National Council of French Women

Session on Surgical HealthTransgender

Despite of age, gender and sex, health is important factor for every individual. Health needs such as HIV test, Fertility, Hormonal Treatments, Surgical Procedures, Expense, Rights are discussed under the session.

Related:  Breast Cancer Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Women’s Health EventsBreast Cancer Events | Women’s Health Meetings | Breast Cancer Congress


Related Associations: World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), European Professional Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), Transgender Europe (TGEU),Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health (TPATH)

Market Analysis

The cause of Breast Cancer on Women’s Health is increasing day by day. Out of 10 women 3 will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer and the rest would have other associated diseases. The survey shows2200,000 women are diagnosed with cancer and associated diseases. 0.5 million people die of these factors.




Therefore, the Market Analysis explains the treatment methods and cost of therapeutic systems. The development in therapeutics has been curing breast cancer and women’s health associated diseases from decades. The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the Therapeutics will increase up to 4.2% in the time 2015-2020, the treatment therapeutics increase up to rate of US$989 Million.


Targeted Audience


Breast cancer drug manufacturers

Breast cancer drug suppliers

Research and Development (R&D) Companies

Women’s Health Association

Independent Research Laboratories

Government and Independent Regulatory Authorities

Market Research and Consulting Service Providers

Medical Research Laboratories

Academic Medical Institutes and Universities


Breast Cancer & Women’s Health Association around the globe


International Association for Women's Mental Health Home (IAWMH
CARPA - Carcinoid Patients Association, Cancer fonden
Swedish Cancer Society
Swedish Cancer Nurses Society
Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia
National Cancer Council, Malaysia (
The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis
Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (ESCEO) Centre Antoine Lacassagne Association for International Cancer Research (AICR)
British Oncology Data Managers' Association (BODMA)
American Breast Cancer Foundation
Avon Breast Cancer Crusade
Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora New Zealand
Federation for Women and Family Planning.


Why Paris
Paris, France is the second largest Economically active city. The net GDP OF Paris was estimated to be 688 $BN. 26.9% are involved in healthcare, social services and public administration, 75% of the medical care is free in both public and private sectors and France uses 11.6% of GDP on healthcare. The research sector of medicine and healthcare has been developed. Paris France makes a great destination to host, visit and explore the beauty.

Past Conference Report

We would like to thank all our wonderful keynotes, speakers, conference attendees, students, associations, media partners, exhibitors and guests for making Breast Cancer 2018 a successful and splendid event.

Allied Academies hosted the event of 8th World Congress on Breast Cancer Management and Therapy during June 14-15, 2018 at Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel with the theme  “Explore New Discoveries in Breast Cancer”. Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars, students and leaders from the fields of Breast Cancer  and Cancer Management who made this event successful.

The conference was marked by the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 18 countries, who have driven this event into the path of success. The conference highlighted through various sessions on current retroviral research.

Breast Cancer  2018 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the fields of Breast Cancer, Cancer Management, Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine.

The meeting was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

Breast Cancer 
Breast Cancer & Lifestyle
Rehabilitation after Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer in Male

Treatments in Breast Cancer
Regenerative Medicine
Reconstruction & Mastectomy

The conference proceedings were carried out through various Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures. The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talk were;

Eliaz Babaev | Arobella Medical LLC | USA
Ryan Moseley | Cardiff University | UK
Hiroko Tadaura | International University of Health and Welfare | Japan
Shaik O Rahman | University of Maryland | USA
Alexander M Seifalian | The London Bioscience Innovation Center | UK
Sandeep Shrivastava | Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences | India
Mogan Naidu | MediAsiaTM | Malaysia
Vladimir Ritter | PolyHeal Micro | Israel

The event enlightened various areas of Breast Cancer, with Workshops and plenary lectures from the speakers of various universities and organizations like

Arobella Medical LLC | USA

Tube-EvacTM | USA

Sarajevo University Clinical Centre | Bosnia and Herzegovina

Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences | India

Banner Health | USA

Ocean County Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates | USA

Cardiff university | University

University of California | USA

University of Salerno | Italy

Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies Aachen | Germany

The Wound Institute of Ocean County | USA

MedCu Technologies Ltd | Israel

The Catholic University of Korea | South Korea

Universidad Católica de Valencia | Spain

Ajou University School of Medicine | Korea

University of East Anglia | UK


We are also obliged to various delegate experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance towards the success of Wound Care & Breast cancer 2018.

With the grand success of Breast Cancer 2018, Allied Academies is proud to announce the "9th World Congress on Breast Cancer Management & Therapy” to be held during February 25-26, 2019 in Paris, France.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 25-27, 2019
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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