Allied Academies

About Conference

The successful series of Breast Cancer Congress is taking the Privilege to welcome you to 9th European Congress on Breast CancerWomen’s Health & Therapeutics, Paris France scheduled in the month of February from 25-26, 2019.

The Scientific Sessions are designed by experts and researchers from all around the world who will be showcasing their research and expertise in the field of Breast Cancer and Women Health.

We gather researchers to reveal, examine and revise the methods,techniques and research developing in the scientific community, making it accessible throughout the world even after the event.

The successful 8th World Congress on Breast Cancer Management & Therapy created an awesome impact by networking experts from East Asia to UK. 50000 visitors visited and submitted their work and  broke down to meet and explore the prestigious event Breast Cancer 2018 at London, UK.

The 9th European Congress is setting it’s platform in Paris to host and bring  the researchers of  Breast Cancer and Women Health under one roof  and provide opportunities to Young Researchers, meet and socialize with the experts and network all around the globe.

We welcome you to start off your journey with us at 9th  European Congress on Breast CancerWomen's Health& Therapeutics in the City of Lights-Paris, France

Why to Attend.


Showcase your recent research
Keynote sessions by emeritus of renowned Universities and Industries
Strengthen your research opportunities with the experts.
Collaborations with the Med Kings of the field 
Opportunity to meet highly eminent Speakers and Sponsorship.
Poster, e-poster, exhibiting and speaker sessions which can be accessed even after the conference.

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